Extra sides of pixels and code

Short-term projects in design and development.

Impetuz Psychological Service

Impetuz Psychological Service is a private practice that provides a range of assessment and support services for people from all walks of life. I had the opportunity to work with the founding team to craft a logo to introduce and distinguish the brand of the company.

The logo reflects the company's values of "draw deep, reach out, live life" and symbolises its approach towards holistic living. The tree conveys a sense of rootedness, strength, growth and buoyancy as one journeys through life. The trunk represents the core of who they are and their sense of purpose in life — their 'why's. The trunk branches out to the leaves, providing support for the different aspects of their life. Illustrated as four interconnected circles, they reflect the belief that life as a whole encompasses four key interrelated domains: the heart, mind, body and spirit.


I worked with Srina, a company that distributes organically-grown tea from Sri Lanka, on a refreshed visual identity that reflects its values of sustainability and healthy living.

The new identity includes original photography, earthy and natural colours and a consistent writing style that work together to convey the simple beauty of leaf and water and evoke a sense of healthy and organic living.